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What To Know About Mold Remediation

Mold is commonly found in many households, and much of the time, it's an easy problem to deal with. However, when mold starts to grow out of control, threatens your health, or grows after your home is flooded, you may need to call a mold remediation service. Mold remediation involves more than just removing the mold from the affected area. Remediation also cleans and disinfects the areas where the infestation has been a problem. Here's what to know about mold remediation.

What Happens During Mold Remediation

The first thing to know about mold remediation is what to expect from the process. First, mold remediation professionals will suit up in protective gear even if the mold is non-toxic. Next, things like drywall, carpet, and other porous items with mold must be removed. Then the affected area is sprayed with biocide to kill the mold. Once the area is dry, it is sprayed with a liquid that encapsulates any remaining mold spores. While mold remediation gets rid of the mold, it's crucial to address the cause of the mold to prevent future problems.

How Much Mold Remediation Costs

There are many factors that impact how much you'll pay for mold remediation services. The mold's location and extent significantly impact how much you pay for remediation. The type of mold you have can also affect how much you pay for mold remediation. On average, mold remediation costs $10 to $25 per square foot. If any drywall, flooring, or other materials need to be replaced, it will add to your total mold remediation costs. 

How Long Mold Remediation Takes

Another thing to consider is how long mold remediation will take. The extent of your mold problem and its location will impact how long it takes to get rid of it. The surface the mold is growing on will also affect how long the remediation process takes. In most cases, mold remediation for your home will take between 1 and 5 days. Depending on the location of the mold and the type of mold you are dealing with, you may need to leave your residence during the remediation process. 

If you are dealing with mold in your home, here's what to know about mold remediation. First, knowing how mold remediation works is vital. Second, mold remediation costs vary depending on the type of mold you have and its location. Finally, mold remediation services can take a few days, and you may need to leave your home during the mold removal process. 
