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The Steps You Need To Follow When Your Home Gets Flooded

Water damage is never something to take lightly, as every year, thousands of homes across America are severely damaged by nothing more than an influx of water. Whether that be water that comes from a burst pipe or flooding from a nearby river that has broken its bank due to a lot of rain, if your home has been damaged by water then you need to take immediate action. Water might seem harmless, but without taking all the proper precautions, it can create rot, mildew, disease, and bacteria. So here are a few steps you need to follow as soon as your home gets flooded.


The first thing you need to keep in mind is that your health and safety are always the number one priority. Homes can be rebuilt, and belongings replaced, but your life cannot be, so never take a risk when it comes to flooding. If you live in a flood-prone area, having a disaster response plan and a place where you can evacuate is very important and something you need to develop with your entire household. Even if the flooding only reaches a few inches above your floor, do not stick around — flash flooding can happen in an instant.

Salvage What You Can

This salvage operation will look different for every home affected by water damage, but essentially you want to try and remove as much of your belongings out of harm's way as fast as you can. If the issue is a burst pipe, then taking all your furniture and electronics out of the nearby rooms is a good idea. If it is flooding, then removing all the items on shelves and things like your TV and moving them to higher ground is more important. Before the clean-up begins, you want to get as many valuables out of the way as possible.

Water Damage Restoration Contractor

Trying to clean up damage made by water by yourself is a fool's errand. Not only is it hard for amateurs to spot all the issues caused by water since there can be problems hidden from view, but it is impossible for you to know whether you did a good job or not until years down the track when you see mold sprouting and you realize you made a mistake. Water restoration from a professional flood damage restoration company not only drains your home, dries it, and ensures no future issues can occur, but also prevents you from getting sick or ill from the many bacteria and spores in the air during this difficult process. 

Reach out to a company like Great Lakes Abatement Co., Inc to find out more.
