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The Main Types Of Equipment Professionals Use To Clean Up After A Flood

A flood can happen suddenly and without warning, leaving your home or business waterlogged. The cleanup process itself can be a nightmare, especially if you don't have the right equipment. Thankfully, water damage experts use various specialized tools and equipment to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Take a look at some of these essential pieces of water damage cleanup equipment.

High-capacity Pumps

After a big storm or flood, water can quickly accumulate in your home, especially in the basement. To remove this water, water damage experts use high-capacity pumps. These pumps are incredibly powerful and can remove water quickly and easily. The pumps have to be big enough to handle the job, but they also need to fit through small spaces like doors and windows.

Some homeowners believe they can use a regular household sump pump to remove water after a flood, but this isn't always easy. Household sump pumps are not designed for large-scale water removal and will quickly become overwhelmed if there's too much water. In addition, these pumps are likely to take longer to remove water, which opens up the possibility of further damage.

Commercial-grade Dehumidifiers

Once the water has been removed, water damage experts need to dry out the area as quickly as possible. To do this, they use commercial-grade dehumidifiers. These dehumidifiers are much more powerful than the ones you would find at a home improvement store and can dry out an area quickly.

An area that isn't dried out properly can become a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Not only is this unsightly, but it can also be dangerous for your health. Inhaling mold spores can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other health issues.

Drying out an area is a time-sensitive process, which is why water damage experts need to use commercial-grade dehumidifiers. These machines have powerful internal fans that circulate air and help to speed up the drying process. They also have a large water tank that can hold a lot of moisture, making them ideal for big jobs.

Wet/Dry Vacuums

Wet/dry vacuums are another essential piece of water damage cleanup equipment. These vacuums are designed to suck up water from carpeting, hardwood floors, and other surfaces.

Wet/dry vacuums have a powerful suction that can quickly remove water from surfaces. The suction is so strong that it can even remove water from porous materials like concrete.

In addition to water, wet/dry vacuums can also pick up other debris like mud, sand, and dirt. This makes them perfect for cleaning up after a flood. These vacuums often come with attachments that can help to reach tight spaces and remove water from the hard-to-reach places where simple home vacuums can't reach.

Some wet/dry vacuums even have a built-in heating element that can help to speed up the drying process. This feature is especially useful for drying out carpeting and upholstery. The heat helps evaporate the water, effectively getting rid of any trapped or hidden moisture.

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