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4 Signs That Your Commercial Building Needs Water Damage Restoration Services

Running a company is overwhelming; you must think about your clients, workers, sales, and reputation and ensure that your business premises are in the best condition. Handling all these tasks can be stressful, and at times you might choose to overlook tasks like inspecting the condition of your business premises. While this task might not seem the least important, ignoring it could cause devastating effects. For instance, water damage might affect your building and cause severe damage that will be costly to fix. Though you might not have the time to inspect your building every day, it is crucial to learn the early warning signs it is time to hire a water restoration service. 

1. Musty Smell

Water damage can damage your property slowly, and if you are not keen, you might not notice it until it is too late. A sign that you need to hire professionals is the presence of a musty smell in your office or store. You might try to cover the odor, but deodorants will not fix the problem. The best way to handle this is by hiring a skilled contractor to get to the root of the matter.

2. Protruding Ceilings and Walls

Water damage can happen anywhere in your building; it might take a while before you notice it. But when the water comes in contact with wood or drywall on the ceiling or the walls, they become weak, leading to structural damage. So, it is time to call professionals if you start to see the ceiling or the walls bowing. Trained restoration professionals will know the best way to clean your building and prevent further damage.

3. Dark Spots

Another telltale sign that your business has water damage is the formation of dark spots on the ceiling, drywall, or floors. The dark spot indicates that you have mold growing in the building. Ignoring the presence of molds could compromise your health and that of your staff. Therefore, you need professionals who will know the best way to clean out the water and the dark spots in your building.

4. High Utility Bill

After running your business for some time, you will have a rough estimate of the amount you pay for your water bill. So, if your utility bill suddenly jumps, and you do not seem to understand why there is a high possibility that you have water damage. The high bill might be due to hidden leaks. You can fix this problem by hiring professionals who will come equipped with the right tool needed to examine your building and find the cause of the leak.

If you notice any of the above signs, do not hesitate to call a water damage restoration company. Note that waiting will only worsen the problems associated with water damage.
