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Stonework 101: Tips For Cleaning And Maintenance

Whether it's a patio or any other type of structure on your property, stonework creates an elegant, attractive focal point. However, it only stays that way if you take proper care of it. With the right care and attention, any kind of stone structure on your property will last for decades, but neglect will cause rapid deterioration. Here are some of the things that you should know about stonework cleaning and care.

Cleaning Should Happen Regularly

To keep stonework in the best possible condition, it needs to be kept clean. That means pressure washing it as often as possible. If you can keep up with it on a monthly basis during the busy season, that's beneficial for keeping things from building up and causing deterioration to the stone or the grout that's holding the structure together. If you don't have a pressure washer to clean it yourself, consider reaching out to a masonry and stonework maintenance professional for help. They can clean it for you regularly to ensure proper maintenance.

Stonework Should Be Kept Dry

Avoid prolonged moisture exposure for your stonework. Whenever possible, cover it to keep it from heavy rains and residual moisture. This is important to prevent mold and mildew. Remember that most stone is porous, and it will retain moisture if you're not proactive about keeping it dry. Your stonework cleaning contractor can also help you with a detergent that provides mold inhibition benefits if you ask about it.

Stonework Benefits From Weather Repellent

Ask a local stonework or masonry professional about a weather-repellent barrier product to protect your stone from water and other harsh element damage. These products create a surface layer of protection between the stone and the environment, sealing the stone to keep moisture and bacteria from seeping in. As an added bonus, these sealants also help to prevent stains. If you have children or teens that use your stone patio, spills are an inevitability. This type of barrier treatment can help you keep those spills from becoming a permanent part of the stonework. 

The more proactive and attentive you are about your stonework, the better condition it will stay in and the easier it will be to take care of. If you don't have the time to devote to stone cleaning and care, a stonework professional near you can help. Ongoing maintenance and care contracts can help you keep your stone patio and other stone investments looking great for years to come.

For more information, contact a local company, like HJ's Stone Artistry Restorations LLC.
