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What Homeowners Should Consider Before Calling a Foundation Repair Contractor

Homeowners should know that a home foundation can have a significant effect on the comfort and value of their home. Properly maintained and repaired, a home's foundation can permanently prevent serious problems that can affect both the appearance and functionality of a home. However, when foundation issues go unaddressed for too long, they can lead to major structural damage that may require expensive repairs. Some of the signs that you might have a serious foundation problem on your hands include:

Water Damage

A common cause of foundation damage is water damage. Water leaks and floods can cause the basement to become saturated with water, which can then seep into the foundation. This can cause deterioration of your home's foundation, and problems will only get worse from here. To prevent this type of damage, homeowners should have their basements waterproofed by a professional.

Cracks in the Walls

Foundation cracks may be caused by a variety of issues, including plumbing leaks, poorly installed windows or doors, and expanding soil around the house. Your foundation repair contractor can help determine the source of the problem and recommend solutions for repairing it.

Sloping or Uneven Floors

When your home starts to sag, it's a sure sign that something is wrong with its foundation. Sagging floors make it difficult to walk through rooms without tripping over uneven surfaces. It also makes for an uncomfortable living environment if the sagging floor makes contact with your bed or couch when you sit down on them. In addition to being unsightly and inconvenient, sagging floors will eventually cause structural damage to your home's framing system if left untreated long enough.

Sticking Doors and Windows

Another problem that you might have is sticking windows and doors. A number of issues can cause this, and it is often one of the first signs of a serious foundation problem. Sometimes, the foundation can cause the frames around the windows and doors to break their square shape. When this happens, the doors in your home may not close properly and can begin to cause problems. This often means that the foundation will need to be jacked up and supported in the area around the windows and doors that are starting to cause problems. 

Gaps Near the Chimney

If your chimney has shifted over time or been damaged by an earthquake or storm, it could cause your foundation to shift as well. This can create gaps near the chimney where rainwater and snow can enter your home. To prevent this from happening, have the chimney checked for cracks and loose mortar by a professional contractor.

Defects in home foundations can lead to expensive repairs. If you notice these signs of foundation problems in your home, contact a foundation repair service before they get worse.  
