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Common Commercial HVAC Issues In Fall

While most people consider fall to be a transitional season when they don't have to rely much on their AC or heater at home, businesses have to stay on the ball. This means that commercial HVAC systems are often still at risk for serious issues as the weather cools down.

If you have a commercial HVAC system, it's important that you know which issues are most common. These are some of the issues you might face this autumn.

HVAC System Not Ready for the Cold

This is one of the most common issues commercial HVAC systems face in the fall. If your system wasn't maintained over the summer, it might not be able to handle the colder temperatures. This can lead to a complete breakdown when the outside temperature begins to fall.

Furnace Issues

If you have a furnace as part of your commercial HVAC system, it's important to make sure that it's in good working order before the cold weather hits. If it's been a whole year since you turned on your furnace, give it a test before you actually need to use it. Ignition issues are commonly diagnosed in the first few weeks of cold weather.

Dirty Air Filter

If your air filter hasn't been cleaned or replaced all summer, fall is the time to take care of this issue. A dirty air filter can cause all sorts of problems, from decreased efficiency to increased wear and tear on your system.

Leaky Ductwork

If you haven't had your ductwork inspected in a while, fall is a good transition season to do it. Ductwork that's in poor condition can lead to a variety of issues, including decreased efficiency and poor indoor air quality. Don't let warm air escape and run up your business's electricity bills.

Clogged Drain Lines

If your commercial HVAC system has a drain line, it's important to make sure that it's clear before the weather gets cold. A clogged drain line can cause water to back up into your system, which can lead to extensive damage. After a summer of running the AC for your customers, clogs are common.

Get Your Commercial HVAC System Ready for Fall

Fall is a busy time for businesses, so you can't afford to have your commercial HVAC system go down. If you're worried that your unit isn't working as well as it used to, now is a good time to contact a commercial HVAC repair tech.

Reach out to a commercial HVAC repair company for more information.
