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Signs You Really Do Need A Roof Replacement This Fall

If your roof has started to show signs of age and wear, you may be hoping you can hold off on replacing it for another year or two, or at least until the spring. In some cases, this might be a perfectly okay approach. Roofs are pretty durable, and they can last through winter with a few peeling shingles or a couple of popped nails. Sometimes, though, the roof wear is so extensive that you really should not wait to replace it. Here are some of the key signs you should replace your roof this fall instead of waiting.

Many shingles are missing

If a few shingles are missing, your roofer can probably patch things up and help you get a few more months out of the roof. But if many shingles are missing, doing these repairs may not be worthwhile. You also don't want to leave the roof as-is for the winter since snow and rain can seep under the edges of the remaining shingles, leading to leaks. Patches are also harder to place on large areas of the roof. A full roof replacement is generally the best way to ensure your roof doesn't fail you.

Your roof is sagging.

When you look across each face of the roof, you should notice that it is flat. If any of the faces look like they are sagging, this is a big problem. It means the roof deck, which is the wood underlying your shingles, has been compromised and is beginning to give. If this roof gets covered in snow, the weight of the snow might be enough to cause the roof to collapse. You need a roof replacement ASAP, and that roof replacement needs to include some work on the roof deck. 

You have moisture in the attic.

Head up to the attic, and take a look around. Do you notice any signs of water coming in? You might see drips of water here and there, or you may simply notice a musty smell. You may also see spots of mold on the insulation or on the roof trusses. If water is already coming in through your roof, this is only going to get worse through the winter unless you have the roof replaced.

If you decide your roof needs to be replaced soon, don't hesitate to contact a roofer. They can give you a quote, and you can go from there.

Contact a company like River Restoration to learn more. 
