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Restoring Your Home After It Suffers Flood Damage

If your home suffers significant flood damage, repairing it as quickly as possible can be essential for limiting the complications, safety issues, and overall costs that will be involved with restoring the property. 

Drywall That Was Exposed To The Flood Water May Have To Be Replaced

Drywall can be especially vulnerable to suffering significant damage as a result of flooding. This is due to its porous nature allowing moisture to seep deep into it. As a result, it can be very difficult to fully remove this moisture, which can lead to the drywall rotting or even developing a significant mold issue. As a result, it can often be necessary to have the damaged drywall replaced as part of the water damage restoration process. This is especially common when the water damage was from contaminated sources, such as sewer lines.

Moisture Extraction Systems Can Be Critical For Minimizing Damage To The Flooring

The floors can be another part of the building that will be especially vulnerable to suffering significant harm during a flooding incident. Hardwood and carpet can be especially vulnerable to damage from flooding because these materials will be able to absorb a large amount of water. In the case of hardwood flooring, absorbing this moisture could cause the boards to actually warp. As they warp, they may no longer fit together, which can cause them to bulge. A moisture extraction system may be able to extract the majority of the moisture that has seeped into the floors. However, these systems will have to be used very soon after the damage has occurred if they are to be an effective repair option.

A Safety Inspection Can Be Necessary For Determining Whether The Structural Integrity Of The Building Has Been Compromised

Water damage can quickly cause significant structural issues for a home. Unfortunately, individuals can assume that this damage will largely be limited to mold and rot forming. However, the weight of the water can also cause significant harm to the building by exceeding the weight limit of the supports that keep the home stable. Following major flood damage to a home, a comprehensive inspection should be scheduled because this will allow for the integrity of the building to be verified so that you can know that it is safe. If there are significant or especially hazardous structural issues discovered during this assessment, repairing them will need to be a major priority in your water damage restoration project.

Contact a local water damage restoration service to learn more. 
