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Parts Of Your Kitchen A Water Damage Restoration Contractor May Need To Repair After A Pipe Leak

Water damage restoration can be a long and involved process. The most pressing matter at first is to get your kitchen dry again. This often involves removing water-soaked materials and bringing in equipment to pull water from the floor and the air. Once your kitchen is dry, the work of restoring the damage begins. Here are some parts of your kitchen that might need to be replaced or repaired after a pipe leak causes water damage.

Subfloor And Flooring

If water was on your floor for very long, it might have soaked through to the subfloor depending on the type of flooring you have. If the water rolled to a nearby room with carpet, the carpet, padding and the subfloor may all need to be pulled up and removed. Other types of flooring may just need to have the water extracted and dried out.

In addition to restoring the flooring, the restoration company may need to replace the baseboards and trim unless they are dried out thoroughly and fast enough. Besides wood soaking up water and starting to rot, the contractor also has to worry about mold. Any part of the flooring that's starting to mold may need to be pulled up and replaced.


Wet drywall will probably be cut out and removed since drywall soaks up water. Getting the wet drywall out of the house helps the kitchen dry out quicker. Plus, when drywall is wet, it bubbles, cracks, and swells, so its appearance is altered.

The contractor may not need to replace an entire sheet of drywall. They can cut out wet areas and patch in new drywall. The seams around the patch are covered to make them invisible, and then the wall can be painted to help the repairs blend in.

Base Cabinets

When a water leak is in the kitchen, the base cabinets may need to be replaced if they soaked up water. This could involve taking off the countertop and pulling out the cabinets. When the cabinets are inspected, the contractor can also see the floor underneath them to see if it has water damage too.

When the wet cabinets and flooring are removed, the contractor can bring in new flooring and new base cabinets once the kitchen is completely dry.


You may need to replace your refrigerator and stove after your kitchen floor is flooded. It could depend on the model of your appliance and the depth of the water. Some appliances have parts lower to the ground than others.

However, besides water damage to electronic parts, you also have to be concerned with mold inside the refrigerator, especially if the power has been out. Mold could be under the housing and inside with the food.

The water damage restoration contractor will examine the appliances and determine if they're safe to dry out, clean up, and keep, or if they should be thrown out and replaced with new appliances when the kitchen is dry.

To get started, contact a water damage restoration service in your area.
